Builder API Basic Methods
All builders that derive from MetadataBuilderBase
will have the Builder
property available to them. That property can be used to add, remove or retrieve metadata from the current model. The type behind the property is ModelBuilder
- so the builder is already scoped to the current model.
To add an additional class simply use:
This will return an instace of ClassBuilder
that can be used to furhter configure the created class.
A class with some additional configurations:
.Caption(SwissGerman, "Büro")
.PluralCaption(SwissGerman, "Büros")
.Sort("Name", SortDirection.Descending);
There's a fallback available in case the developer needs access to the underlying IMetaClass
.Configure(cls =>
// Do something with the IMetaClass
To add an additional property simply use:
Builder.Add.Property(Elements.Office, "Name", MetaType.Text);
This will return an instace of PropertyBuilder
that can be used to furhter configure the created property.
A property with some additional configurations:
Builder.Add.Property(Elements.Office, "ShowPeople", MetaType.Boolean)
.Caption(SwissGerman, "Personen anzeigen")
There's a fallback available in case the developer needs access to the underlying IMetaProperty
Builder.Add.Property(Elements.Office, "ShowPeople", MetaType.Boolean)
.Configure(prop =>
// Do something with the IMetaProperty
To add a relation simply use:
Builder.Add.Relation(Elements.Company, AssociationType.ZeroOrOneToMany, Elements.Office, MetaPathRule.Cascade)
This will return an instance of RelationBuilder
that can be used to further configure the created relation.
In der folgenden Tabelle werden die unterschiedlichen AssociationType-Werte und die damit verbundene Platzierung des ForeignKeys und dessen Nullability beschrieben.
Quell-Tabelle | Quell-FK | Quell-Kardinalität | AssociationType | Ziel-Kardinalität | Ziel-Tabelle | Ziel-FK |
A |
| 1 | OneToZeroOrOne | 0-1 | B | AId* |
A | BId | 0-1 | ZeroOrOneToZeroOrOne | 0-1 | B |
A | BId* | 0-1 | ZeroOrOneToOne | 1 | B |
A |
| 0-1 | ZeroOrOneToMany | n | B | AId |
A |
| 1 | OneToMany | n | B | AId* |
A | BId | n | ManyToZeroOrOne | 0-1 | B |
A | BId* | n | ManyToOne | 1 | B |
Bei der ZeroOrOneToZeroOrOne Verbindung ist auch die Platzierung des FK auf der anderen Seite denkbar. Wir haben uns aber dazu entschieden, bei einer ZeroOrOneToZeroOrOne-Verbindung von A nach B den FK in A zu platzieren, damit auf A per SearchEdit ein B ausgewählt werden kann.
A relation with some additional configurations:
Builder.Add.Relation(Elements.Company, AssociationType.ZeroOrOneToMany, Elements.Office, MetaPathRule.Cascade)
.Caption(SwissGerman, "Büros")
.InverseCaption(SwissGerman, "Firma")
.InverseLayout(LayoutType.Detail, "CompactLayout")
There's a fallback available in case the developer needs access to the underlying generated elements:
Builder.Add.Relation(Elements.Company, AssociationType.ZeroOrOneToMany, Elements.Office, MetaPathRule.Cascade)
.Configure(tuple =>
// tuple.relation;
// tuple.inverseRelation;
// tuple.foreignKey;
// tuple.path;
// tuple.index;
The Builder
exposes a property Remove
that can be used to either remove a class or property from the model.
Builder.Remove.Property("Office", "Name");
The Builder
exposes a property Get
that can be used to either retrieve a class or property from the model.
Builder.Get.Property("Office", "Name");